Olive and One-Liners
by Sherilyn Forrester
Charles Busch's Olive and the Bitter Herbs is a playful little comedy, notable only for its zippy one-liners and its lead character. But what a character she is. And who better to play her than Susan Claassen, IT's artistic director, who has shepherded this company through most of its history.
... Olive is a tasty dish. The cast totally invests itself in the season finale's silliness, no matter how disjointed the story. And Claassen, well, she spreads the wisecracking, acerbic, misanthrope with a heart of—well, at least with a heart—across that tiny stage "like buttah."
Read the entire review here: Olive and One-Liners | Review | Tucson Weekly

David Alexander Johnston, Eric Anson, Susan Claassen, Susan Kovitz and Jack Neubeck in Olive and the Bitter Herbs.
by Sherilyn Forrester
Charles Busch's Olive and the Bitter Herbs is a playful little comedy, notable only for its zippy one-liners and its lead character. But what a character she is. And who better to play her than Susan Claassen, IT's artistic director, who has shepherded this company through most of its history.
... Olive is a tasty dish. The cast totally invests itself in the season finale's silliness, no matter how disjointed the story. And Claassen, well, she spreads the wisecracking, acerbic, misanthrope with a heart of—well, at least with a heart—across that tiny stage "like buttah."
Read the entire review here: Olive and One-Liners | Review | Tucson Weekly
David Alexander Johnston, Eric Anson, Susan Claassen, Susan Kovitz and Jack Neubeck in Olive and the Bitter Herbs.