By CASEY KNOX Published November 11, 2013 at 10:50pm Updated November 11, 2013 at 10:50pm
For Susan Claassen, the theater’s managing artistic director, the play epitomizes the types of productions that the Invisible Theatre likes to bring to Tucson — ones that aren’t the typical production. ...
Read the entire preview here: Arizona Daily Wildcat :: Stage comedy comes to downtown Tucson

For Susan Claassen, the theater’s managing artistic director, the play epitomizes the types of productions that the Invisible Theatre likes to bring to Tucson — ones that aren’t the typical production. ...
“I think everyone can relate on some level to it,” Claassen said. “We hope that people can relate to it and look at the world a little differently.”
Calling it a “comedy with heart,” Claassen said “Miracle on South Division Street” will simultaneously tug on the heart-strings of audience members while making them laugh. The show stars Toni Press-Coffman, Alida Holguin Gunn, Carley Elizabeth Preston and UA business management senior Seth Fowler.
Read the entire preview here: Arizona Daily Wildcat :: Stage comedy comes to downtown Tucson
Photo courtesy of Tim Fuller
Sibling rivalry reigns supreme in this rollicking comedy with Ruth (Carley Elizabeth Preston), Bev (Alida Holguin Gunn) and Jimmy (Seth Fowler).