[Playwright] Mayer, now 79 and retired from his last studio job as executive producer on 'The Facts of Life,' went after writing plays with the same gusto with which he had pursued television writing.
His play '2 Across' opens at Invisible Theatre next week. It is one of eight plays he has written and had produced; he's working on his ninth.
"2 Across" is about a man and a woman who meet on a subway train at 4 a.m. (Mayer took a trip to San Francisco and hopped a BART train at that hour to make sure it is plausible that two people could be alone on the train at that time - it was).
They are both working on crosswords - she is focused and precise, he is the opposite. When the crossword becomes too much for him, he turns to the sports page. She takes him to task, and a ride that sees deep changes in both of them begins.
On the face of it, it's a comedy. But Mayer strives for something more than a laugh.
Janet (Maedell Dixon) does crossword puzzles in pen while Josh (David Alexander Johnston) uses a pencil
Read the entire preview here: http://azstarnet.com/entertainment/arts-and-theatre/article_708f91b3-01f7-5422-ba08-d0c8fa670680.html